Thursday 23 February 2012

Fleshing out the town

Its starting to look better slowly. Now i have re-imported the houses and the one shop i can now visually see what the town will end up like. Now they are in there i can see flaws with the textures so i can go back and touch them up.  

The image above shows the long street that the player would first see.

This is where the three shops are going to be. There is three repeats in there at them moment but when i have made all the textures its an easy swap. 

The street lights still have the emissive textures on them and can be seen here lighting up the sides of the house. Not sure yet if i am going to keep them on, but anyway they are on for now. 

I placed the lamps in there to help decide on how many i may need and to help judge if the streets are wide enough. My next task for the town is to make the cobble stone roads for the car to run on. 

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